I had Monday-itis. I don't even have a day job but still I just didn't feel like doing anything. I'm a full time mother so really my days feel like they're all rolled into one and the only reason I know it's Monday is because the day before I put on my Sunday best and went to church. So yeah, my yesterday was spent doing very little. It was great.
As for today. We got up. We got ready for kindy. We got in the car and off we went.
Dallin and I spent an hour at kindy playing and sitting and pretending to eat food Ash had heated for us in the wooden microwave. It was yum whatever it was. We watched the boys make a train track that stretched across the length of the classroom. It was long. We watched the girls make cupcakes out of playdough. They were glittery. When it was time for morning tea, Dallin and I snuck out the gate and went for a drive.
The afternoon rolled around and I found myself checking the usual places my friends hang out online. I had some great IM catch ups. I love to IM. I love how my social life (offline) improves after an IM chat. Yay.
Tonight I made sushi. Sushi is great, but even though I think it's great it's one of those things that if people ask me if I like it, I wait to see what they say first before saying I do. Then I will know if I have to play it down or not. You see, not everyone likes sushi. I have a fear of being disliked because I like it. That's right, a fear. It's not silly. It's just my attempt at being liked by everyone, despite my liking sushi.
I guess I am a people please-er. I have no idea why. I don't see people making huge efforts to please
me. It's relatively easy to please me. Just bring me some chocolate and tell me how lovely I look and I'm happy. Actually chocolate is a tricky one. There is definitely a downside to bringing me chocolate. In fact lets list them:
a) one little block is never enough = me eating more than I should = me feeling guilty for not eating healthy = I feel fat = I want to eat more chocolate because I'm sad = vicious cycle = me spinning out of control = it's all your fault for bringing me chocolate.
b) one little block is never enough and so on and so forth.
c) you get the picture.
OK so I think I've established that chocolate is not a good idea if you want me to be pleased. I do like pineapple though, and mangoes and seedless grapes. Just in case you were stuck for ideas.
Right, now that I'm well and truly on my way to tummy grumble town I suppose I should make like Tom and Cruise or a banana and split or a tree and leave or a bird and fly or a ... oh snap, that's all I've got.
On that note, good afternoon, good evening and good night!