1. We had to postpone our mini-holiday which we were supposed to go on after Ed's work trip to Aucks. Sadly one of my younger cousins passed away so we used our holiday money to make the trip to the funeral. A blessing in disguise really. So we started on our 6 hour drive early Saturday morning and came home early Sunday morning so Ed could catch his plane to Auckland from Welly. Asher stayed on with my mother for four days so I spent the most part of that week alone with Dallin. It was a different feeling having only D to take care of, but I enjoyed our time together. When Eden got back, we got these...
2. As at Sept 29th, Dallin's teeth count = 8. He has also found joy in dancing and singing along to music (particularly with Ellen) and has also reduced his early morning feeds from 2 to 1.
(OK so I missed most of his dancing but he did dance a lot more before I pointed the big black distraction of a camera at him, honest!)
Moving along...
3. I took Asher for her first haircut but she refused to get into the chair. Note to self - try taking her in the morning (our first try was probably too late in the day) to a hairdresser who doesnt look scary and who has a proven method for getting small children into the chair. It really is about time she got her hair cut, these home jobs just arent cutting it anymore.We will be trying our luck again this Thursday so watch this space.
4. Eden is studying again for four exams which have to be all sat by December. Thankfully he has a brain like a sponge so let's hope he can pull them all off because it will take a lot of pressure off of this family of four on a single income.
5. Ed also has a new calling as the ward welfare specialist. Hopefully this will inspire him to look at and work on our own welfare situation...hopefully. No, it WILL-I have faith!
6. I was asked by my brother (via text message) if I was "preggers" to which I replied "why would I be?" His reply was "because mum said you missed church because you were sick and boboi (Dallin) was sucking on his toe!" You see there is an old wives' tale in Maoridom that says when a baby sucks on his feet then his mother is pregnant. Well judging by what I was sick with, I can 100% guarantee that I was not and am not pregnant.
7. My kids are so close! They are the best of friends. I can tell because they both miss eachother when one is not around. If Asher comes home from my mums or my SIL's she'll ask for Dallin right away. And if I come home with Asher and Dallin spots her coming through the door, he'll let out a big "ah-aaaah!" as if to say "yay, big sister is back! I missed you!" It's such a pleasure to watch them laugh and play together, I hope hope hoooooope it carrys on as they grow older.