Monday, November 30, 2009

Strawbolly update

The strawbolly plants are doing great! Three of the four plants have about 3-4 berries each at the moment with more to come I'm sure, while the lone plant (Dallins plant in its own planter) so far has 2 berries growing. Cute!

Other things growing in Ashers little garden = beef stake tomatoes (still growing, in other words it hasnt died yet) a sun-flower that Asher brought home from kindy and couple different herbs, all growing nicely.

Friday, November 13, 2009


I got a phone call this morning from my granny. She asked me if we could get some strawberries for Asher to plant. I was like "yeah sure," so off we went to shop for plants.

So many to choose from, we went with red strawberries (as opposed to pink ones) and a couple different herbs.

At the counter asking about the right kind of soil to buy.

I'm no gardening expert, but here's hoping these will grow.

Asher mucking in.

This is actually quite fun!

Look at how cute!

Well its not much but it has potential. I guess we'll see how these turn out and decide whether or not we'll carry on planting things here and there in the rest of the garden.