Today, at kindy, I noticed Ashers bestest buddy carrying around a familiar object.
I sat down by the bestest bud's grandmother and we chatted for a while.
Bestest bud's grandma mentioned the object in bestest bud's hands.
"That's a birds nest," she said.
"I thought so."
"She got it from home."
"Oh, I thought it fell out of the kindy tree."
"Nope, she found it on the ground under our karaka tree. We think its a Tui nest."
"I love Tui birds!"
"Did you notice? It's made out of one half of a coconut shell?"
"Is it really? That is so clever! Most of the nest making work is already done. Clever Tuis!"
"Yeah, but now she wont put it down, those birds will be wondering where their home is."
"What I'm wondering, is how they managed to get that coconut shell up the tree in the first place...?"
"Clever Tuis indeed."