"Seriously. Dont take me too seriously." Me.
What's in a name? Are our names so significant that our parents hope we will live up to their meanings? Or do we get given names of others because of the kind of people they were? Do we borrow names from others because they sound cool when you say them? Or do we like the origin of the name, the fact that it sounds exotic or fresh? Or do we get given a name because of sentimental reasons where it serves to remind our parents of a certain situation, a place, a person, or an event? Or do we just end up fitting the meaning because we've found out for ourselves what the books say our names mean, and then try to fulfill them? Or do we do the opposite? I have decided that after all is said and done, my name has the deepest most spiritual meaning of all.
Lets examine for a moment the meaning of Kylie. I have heard of several meanings for my name, one of which I don't care to share, its just too embarrassing. But the one definition I don't mind however is the widely accepted Australian definition that a Kylie is a boomerang, a wooden instrument that has one side flat and the other convex and when thrown will always return to its initial point from where it came. If we considered that we somehow end up fitting the definition of our names, does this mean then that I am a person who's both boring (in other words "flat") and fun (in other words "convex" or "out there") at the same time? Or does it allude to my physique? (I sure hope not.) Or does it mean I'm complicated? Or does it mean I'm indecisive? Who knows?
Eden and I have had great joy in naming our two children. We picked names that held sentimental reasons to us both. Our daughter, Asher Lee, takes her name from the bible and from my mother. The sentimental value lies in an experience I had while serving my mission. To cut a long story short, I had chance to make friends with a missionary who revealed to me he was of the tribe of Asher. He was someone who helped me through a difficult time of my life, someone I looked up to. I knew when he told me he was of the tribe of Asher that I would use it to name of my first child, whether boy or girl. According to the bible dictionary, Asher means happy. Asher is such as happy child, it couldn't be more fitting! Is it a coincidence that she lives up to the meaning of her name? Or is it just that we look for certain characteristics that align with the meaning/s of the name itself and we are satisfied?
Our son, Dallin Maniapoto, takes his name from an apostle and from his father. Even in his infancy Dallin seems to show signs of seriousness and concern in his face which are characteristics owned by his name-sake. It is also note worthy to mention that I met this apostle while (again) on my mission. I know it seems now that I my own sentiments have dominated in the naming of our kids, but its just as well we can have more (just to be fair to Eden.)
And what of my DH Eden? Let's ignore for now the fact that Eden is mostly a girls name and focus on the fact that there is no way we can disconnect "Eden" from that garden where Adam and Eve once roamed. I assure you that DH neither looks nor acts like an area overgrown with vines and shrubbery. When we think of the garden of Eden, we think of innocence, serpents, fruit, cheribum, flaming swords, trees, innocence and fruit! I'd like to think my husband is innocent and not much of a fruit cake, although he is sweet and has angel like qualities. I am the first to admit that when we started dating, introducing him as Eden took a little getting used to. After a while, my tall dark and handsome beau began to me to suit his name more than any other Eden I'd ever met. He had successfully made a feminine name masculine and I was proud of it!
So! What's in a name? Perhaps nothing, or perhaps everything! Maybe I myself am an exact human version of a boomerang. I've been to many places in my life, some so wonderful I don't know why I ever left, like the temple or the Philippines! It seems however that no matter where I go, I always seem to return home. I'm the kind of girl who could never leave home. Home is where the heart is, that kind of thing. Then again, perhaps we are all boomerangs, thrust down to earth to have our experiences, only to return to the place where it all began (see answers to life questions) Either way, I feel I live up to my name. I'm just glad it has such a definition that can be interpreted to have a deeper spiritual meaning. What does your name say about you? Probably more than you realize...
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