As nan and I sat at lunch today, we noticed it was a little too quiet for our liking. We wondered where little Miss A. had gotten to, and what it was she was doing. I had a peep over the chair in the lounge, and there on the other side was the little miss, exploring all sorts of wondrous knick knacks she had discovered in the craft cupboard in the conservatory.
I tip-toed to the other-side of the kitchen, camera in hand, to get a better view. Placing my camera on the ground being careful to stay hidden around the corner, I began clicking away. These photos would serve as evidence of her shananigans if I was going to expose her to my mother when she got home from work, it was after all her craft cupboard.
Notice below Miss A. has no idea that she is under surveillance. Quietly her fingers explore the contents of a yellow plastic container.


She looks up and cant see me hiding around the corner.
"Asher!" I yell again, making sure to keep hidden, "what are you touching?"

"I can seeeee you!" I announced from behind the door as she realizes I'm closer than she thought.
Not knowing where to direct her frustration, she yells out "NO!" which translates into "don't come over here or you'll see what I've discovered and take it away from me."

Before long, she discovers my hiding place. I get up to check the sharp pointy objects haven't been found. We struggle for a minute to put things away, but we get there in the end.
Unfortunately, the battery life in my camera did not endure long enough to capture more of Asher's antics. It was fun to watch her experiment with buttons and pens and paper and ribbon. Who knows what she'll find tomorrow, I guess we'll find out as soon as we realize, its a little too quiet for our liking.
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