Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Have I seen Slumdog Millionaire?

Yes I have.
I quite enjoyed it.
Even if most Indian critics didnt.
I liked the music.
And I admit, I didnt know A. R. Rahman was as accomplished as he is.
I loved the little kids.
I didnt cry once.
But I was captured.
I love how they switched from Hindi to English.
Even if some people didnt.
I love how it didnt follow the book exactly.
I didnt like when the boys eyes met with a spoon.
I love how the slums reminded me of the Philippines.
I was almost convinced it was filmed in Manila.
Clearly it wasnt.
Some people say its not "Indian" enough.
Whats more "Indian" than two people falling in love?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! I came across your site, you have lots of really nice photo of your kid. Anyway I just want you to know that I've also watched that movie, and I enjoyed the love story. Know what, It got a bunch of awards but they did't get the best actor award, I wonder, perhaps because the actor is not an A Lister of Hollywood. Ahmm take care. Nice knowing good people like you. *you can also find me here