Today I turned 28. I have a sore throat and a bit of a headache, pretty stink. It was cooooldies all day and I was not feeling it at all. But I couldnt go to bed without bloggin a little sumthin about my "happy birthday" as Ash puts it. I suppose if I wasnt so sicky sick, I would have enjoyed the gifts I was given by my favorite people. Thankfully, I didnt have to get outta my jim jams til I was ready to go out and run errands as my wonderful friend came and dropped off a gift for me and offered to take my girl to kindy, allowing my son and I to go back to bed and keep warm for an extra hour. Bliss!
Took my gran out so she could get stuff done and came back to my mums to sprawl out infront of the awesome fireplace. Right when I was about to doze off, I had to go back out into the cold to go get my husband from the train station, brrrrrr! We go get dinner for the whanau, then I find my spot again by the fire. Yuss! Since our whole little family is coughy and headachy, we decided to camp at mums since it was already warm. SO here I am. In bed, next to the fire, my son and I. Waaaaarmies!
And now Im tired. Sleep time for me.
Oh, how it aches that I am not closer to bring you lemons and honey!
Even if you came over with nothing I would be thrilled!
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