Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Fairy bread.

Ok, so its not fairy bread as we know it, but a little fairy left some bread on my doorstep.

I've heard there was a fairy floating around dropping bread off on peoples doorsteps when they're not home, I guess it finally happened to us. Notice the bagels? Yes there are bagels too. If only I had cream cheese to go with 'em. Ha ha. Aaaaand, its all fresh!

So now we have so much bread that it wont all fit in our cupboard or freezer. I suppose we'll give some away and play fairy ourselves to unsuspecting neighbors. That should be fun. So thanks bread fairy, we love you!


Ana said...

Just be careful playing the fairy! I remember in my home ward that a new family had moved into the ward from Zimbabwe - the YW pixie dropped cookies at their place and freaked them out - cos as he explained "in Zimbabwe when people knock on your door and run away - it's not a good thing"


Kyz said...

hehehe. noted. ;-)