Ever played "Dont Eat Pete"?? The game where you try and eat as many M&Ms off of a plate without eating "Pete" (an M&M chosen at random by your friends). Good game, good game. Unless you play with someone who takes their sweet time and eats them at one M&M a minute. Drag! We played it last night for FHE with the nieces and nephews. Faith (a niece) took her time and made us all mad. So we cut the game short and only played one round each, which meant there were plenty of Pete's left in the bag. I started the day off downing the remainder of Petes family. Chocolate for breakfast was a good idea at the time, but an hour later, I'm not so sure. I hope its not an indication of how this blog will turn out to be.
I decided ages ago that I would NEVER become a blogger. I figured I would just start one and never keep it going. I guess now we'll see about that. I figured I'd never have anything intelligent to say, much less anything important. I guess I've changed my mind. Not about me being intelligent or having important things to say, but just that I wouldnt limit myself to just thinking stuff, and actually give blogging it out a go. But the real reason I didnt want to blog, is because I have lots of clever friends who might find me boring and not too good with words (I bet you're all thinking its you Im talking about...wouldnt that be funny?) I guess Im saying I feel like it now, so Im jumping on it before the desire wears off. Plus, my kids will get know how quirky I was when they were little...
I have never played - is Pete one colour you can't eat? And how to turns work? Fill me in girly!
Is this the right place to reply to you? Pete is one M&M (just one) you cant eat, no matter the colour. Whoever is "in" closes their eyes while everyone else secretly decides which one is Pete. Then they eat 'em one by one til they pick Pete, at which point everyone yells "dont eat Pete!!" Some people get a fright and drop Pete or they quickly shove him in their mouth, its up to you to decide Petes fate. Most people eat him depending on how far off the plate he gets. Try it, its yummy fun!
ps, you play one person at a time in any order, just go round the circle i guess :)
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