Friday, November 7, 2008

My Ash can...

...put her shoes on by herself (the ones without laces atleast), ask for a drink, ask for "kaikais," tell us when shes wet, talk on the phone (she learns from the best), push a chair against the bench to see whats on top, eat with a fork or spoon, put on her seatbelt, take off her clothes for a bath, put on her sunglasses, name at least 30 people in our family, push her doll in a pram, get water from a cooler, help set the table, put away her toys, set up a tea party, carry a doll as a mother would a real baby, despose of nappies correctly, turn on the tv, dvd, computer, light, tap, just about anything that has a switch or tap, brush her teeth, comb her hair, use the toilet (sometimes atleast) call 111 (usually its a fluke that she does this and not very often) say hello and goodbye, tell you shes ok if you ask her "my baby, are you ok?" ask YOU if YOU'RE ok? pat you on the shoulder if you're sad, tell the difference between hot and cold, climb up steps, go down a slide, swing on a swing, find things you've hidden from her, open a lolly wrapper, say please and thank you, eat brocolli, point to different animals and name them, pick out what she wants to wear, tell if you're sad, hug you when you need a hug, help you into your seat if you're not feeling well, open the door (although we try and keep them locked for that very reason), close the door, play nicely, play rough, handle the jandal, cry like a baby, cry out when she needs help, sleep in her own bed at night, find her way to us in the morning, ask for a "bobo," tell you how old she is, count to five if you help her, put shapes into a shape sorter, sing twinkle twinkle little star, sing popcorn popping (with actions) recognise who's talking on the phone (if you're eden, my mum or my grandma) point to her eyes, hair, nose, mouth, teeth etc etc, tell you when she wants to watch elmo, understand if you're angry, or happy, or sad, say "love you!" be lots of fun, be a nuisance, be very naughty,be very good, be funny and caring, and curious and clever. There are so many things our little one can do, most of the time she suprises us, we dont realise how quickly she picks things up! Asher knows there's a bubby in my tummy, but she still hasnt clicked to be gentle. Mostly Asher is the most precious wee thing we've ever been gifted...and we love her to pieces! This entry wasnt made to brag, but rather to remind myself of how Asher was and is as a baby, so we'd always remember how clever she was at such a young age. She can say a whole host of words, so many that we'll have to make another post to list them, perhaps I will some other day. Lastly, Im sure when bubi boy comes she will know how to treat him, the same way that she treats us, with love and kindness and huggles and kisses...

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