Today, we three will become four. Ash becomes a big sister and Eden and I go from parents of one to parents of two. Needless to say we are so excited and are just glad the wait is almost over.
When the little girl was born, she had a rough time entering the world. She was born at 7:48pm on October 20th, and not held by me until about 1am the following morning. I had to have a bit of surgery to fix things up which meant it was hours until we got to spend time together. After her first feed, we were placed in our room and spent our first night together. My body was exhausted to say the least! My eyes were so heavy they could hardly stay open. I wanted so badly to sleep but my mind and heart were in a total panic, I kept wondering (well worrying) about how I was going to cope as a mother. Would I do a good enough job? How would we cope as parents? Would we agree on how to raise her?
Two years have passed since Ash joined our family and now that baby number two is about to arrive, I just wanted to say how awesome it has been raising her in that time. She has taught us so much! I hope we have taught her well. At this stage I feel both happy and sad. Its the end of an era for the Joe-fishes. Facing the arrival of a new edition is undoubtedly a huge buzz and we are excited, but it also means saying goodbye to the three of us being just the three of us. Now I'll have to split my attention three ways instead of two. Im sure we'll manage. I sorta miss Ash already knowing I'll have another bub to keep me extra busy, but its time for our family to grow like we always wanted. So, here goes, in a few hours, little boy will be here...its goodbye to our little trio, and hello to becoming a family of four!
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