Step 1. Write an awesome story about your kids. Even if others dont think its awesome, if its awesome to you, thats all that matters.
Like this one.
Our boy is a great mate to our little girl, they are the best of friends. Asher takes such good care of Dallin and Dallin laughs at all of Ashers funny faces. I love it when I catch Asher sharing her sandwich with Dallin so that he doesnt miss out or when I see Dallins face light up when Asher comes home from spending the night at my mums. These kids of mine are honestly so awesome, I, like most parents out there, could brag about them til the cows come home.
Yesterday I took them to the public library to check out the puzzle and game range for Ash. We had been all over town looking for birthday presents for Dallin so it was nice to get out of the heat and into an air conditioned room that was cool and quiet.
On our way down to the childrens section I grabbed some books for me and set our things down by the cozy chair. I took Dallin out of his stroller and sat him on the floor by the building blocks. Asher helped herself to the little red wagon and pulled it over to Dallin to let him take them out one by one the same way he does his own toys from the toy box at home. At this moment, I realised I could just let them play together while I got comfy in the cozy chair. So get comfy I did.
As I sat there and watched my two play I thought about how blessed I am that I can take my little ones to the quietest place in town and not have to worry about them tearing the place up or disturbing the peace and quiet - does this not spell awesome?
I read for a good half an hour, checking over the top of my book every now and again. So far so good. I look up again only to find that Ash is over at the bird cage. Thats funny because she strongly dislikes birds. In fact she dislikes most animals. I think its because they can be unpredictable. Well thats what I think. She stood there and watched the birds though. I think it was because they had their heads tucked up under their wings. And they were locked up. "They're alseep" I whispered to her. I guess she likes animals - provided they're locked up and asleep. Aw.
Once she got tired of the sleeping, locked up birds, Ash picked out some stories and I read them to her. Dallin kept playing on the ground with an old computer keyboard, a bead coaster and a hardcovered book about farm animals. Before I knew it an hour had passed so after a bit of story reading and building wooden towers it was time to head off home for our afternoon naps.
Seeing me there with my well behaved baby and child you'd think the librarian would notice and tell me how adorable they are and how nicely they were playing, but nope. Not in this instance. Thankfully I have this blog so I can put it all out there in the universe that my kids are the best.
Step 2. Post it on the internet.
Step 3. Tell all your friends about it.
And that my friends is how you boast a little about your children.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
One fast year
This time last year I was laying up in a hospital bed trying to catch up on some much needed sleep. You see, the night before I was up thinking about how our family was about to go from 3 humans to 4. Dallin was sort of an early christmas gift to our family last year and we have so enjoyed watching him grow and develop throughout 2009.
To date Dallin has 8 teeth. They all came up so fast its hard to even remember that he once had a gummy smile. Dallin has mastered the art of running and manouvering his way around the house in his walker. He can get through all the doorways and will find me if I call out to him from the other end of the house. Other means of transportation include rolling around on the floor and his signature crawl which is a combination of press-ups and yoga stretching. Its so cute to watch.
The little man is also a great little conversationalist. Once he's got your attention you'd better start talking or else he will squawk until you do. And you cant let him go until he decides he's over it. He is actually quite fun to talk to. He will mimic all the sounds you make and try to add a few of his own. He's usually quite generous with his smiles and hugs, provided he knows who you are. If you are a stranger, it might take at least 10 minutes for him to scope you out before you get any Dallin hugs.
Like other members of our family, Dallin is fascinated by the talking picture frame that is our tv, especially when childrens songs start to play, at which point he commences to bob up and down in excitement. He even kicks his little legs and raises his little arms to show he is physically commited to whatever show is on the box.
There are so many things I love about our little fella but the one thing I love the mostest is how close he is to his sister. Even at such a young age I can see the difference between my kids relationship and the relationship I had with my own younger brother when we were little. It was somewhat competitive so it meant we spent a lot of our childhood fighting over toys and trying to be better at sports than the other (I was such a tomboy). Somehow I cant see that happening with my kids, at least not to the same extent, since my little girl is very nurturing towards him and very much a girly girl, two things I was not as a girl.
So Dallin, its been an absolute pleasure helping you to get to know the world and people around you in your first year of life. A common theme at church lately has been that of the love of a parent for their child. When you have your first child, your heart is so full of love for them it is almost impossible to imagine you could expand your heart to love another. I worried about this before Dallin came along but once he came I can honestly say that my heart grew and I love him with all the love a parent has to give, and more! Happy 1st birthday my boy, love mamma. xox
To date Dallin has 8 teeth. They all came up so fast its hard to even remember that he once had a gummy smile. Dallin has mastered the art of running and manouvering his way around the house in his walker. He can get through all the doorways and will find me if I call out to him from the other end of the house. Other means of transportation include rolling around on the floor and his signature crawl which is a combination of press-ups and yoga stretching. Its so cute to watch.
The little man is also a great little conversationalist. Once he's got your attention you'd better start talking or else he will squawk until you do. And you cant let him go until he decides he's over it. He is actually quite fun to talk to. He will mimic all the sounds you make and try to add a few of his own. He's usually quite generous with his smiles and hugs, provided he knows who you are. If you are a stranger, it might take at least 10 minutes for him to scope you out before you get any Dallin hugs.
Like other members of our family, Dallin is fascinated by the talking picture frame that is our tv, especially when childrens songs start to play, at which point he commences to bob up and down in excitement. He even kicks his little legs and raises his little arms to show he is physically commited to whatever show is on the box.
There are so many things I love about our little fella but the one thing I love the mostest is how close he is to his sister. Even at such a young age I can see the difference between my kids relationship and the relationship I had with my own younger brother when we were little. It was somewhat competitive so it meant we spent a lot of our childhood fighting over toys and trying to be better at sports than the other (I was such a tomboy). Somehow I cant see that happening with my kids, at least not to the same extent, since my little girl is very nurturing towards him and very much a girly girl, two things I was not as a girl.
So Dallin, its been an absolute pleasure helping you to get to know the world and people around you in your first year of life. A common theme at church lately has been that of the love of a parent for their child. When you have your first child, your heart is so full of love for them it is almost impossible to imagine you could expand your heart to love another. I worried about this before Dallin came along but once he came I can honestly say that my heart grew and I love him with all the love a parent has to give, and more! Happy 1st birthday my boy, love mamma. xox
Monday, November 30, 2009
Strawbolly update
The strawbolly plants are doing great! Three of the four plants have about 3-4 berries each at the moment with more to come I'm sure, while the lone plant (Dallins plant in its own planter) so far has 2 berries growing. Cute!
Other things growing in Ashers little garden = beef stake tomatoes (still growing, in other words it hasnt died yet) a sun-flower that Asher brought home from kindy and couple different herbs, all growing nicely.
Other things growing in Ashers little garden = beef stake tomatoes (still growing, in other words it hasnt died yet) a sun-flower that Asher brought home from kindy and couple different herbs, all growing nicely.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
E toru tona pakeke!
Yes, my girl is now 3! And I cant believe it. In fact, not a day goes by that I dont think of how fast my babies are growing up. When we moved into this house we are in, my girl was getting the hang of talking and now shes a full on story teller! She can answer the phone and hold a conversation with the person at the other end. She can buckle her own seat-belt (thankfully she cant unbuckle...yet) and she can count to five-teen. The list of songs she knows the words to (mostly her own interpretations of course) grows by the day but her favorite song by far is "honey honey" from Mamma Mia. She can make her own breakfast and help dry the dishes and tells me when Dallin is crying. Man! This girl is SO wonderful! Call me a proud boastful parent, its almost a sin the amount of pride I have in my little bubbi. She's the best big sister and an even better daughter. Compared to some 3 year olds I know, mine wins when it comes to behaving in sacrament, saying her prayers without being prompted and willingly participating in FHE. What more can I say, we are so blessed! Ash, we love you long time!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Since I've been gone...
A lot has happened since I last posted somethin...
1. We had to postpone our mini-holiday which we were supposed to go on after Ed's work trip to Aucks. Sadly one of my younger cousins passed away so we used our holiday money to make the trip to the funeral. A blessing in disguise really. So we started on our 6 hour drive early Saturday morning and came home early Sunday morning so Ed could catch his plane to Auckland from Welly. Asher stayed on with my mother for four days so I spent the most part of that week alone with Dallin. It was a different feeling having only D to take care of, but I enjoyed our time together. When Eden got back, we got these...
What's that? You want to see what was inside? OK...
OK, now that we've drooled over this lot, we might as well see how they went down with Ash...
That look = very satisfied indeed.
2. As at Sept 29th, Dallin's teeth count = 8. He has also found joy in dancing and singing along to music (particularly with Ellen) and has also reduced his early morning feeds from 2 to 1.
(OK so I missed most of his dancing but he did dance a lot more before I pointed the big black distraction of a camera at him, honest!)
Moving along...
3. I took Asher for her first haircut but she refused to get into the chair. Note to self - try taking her in the morning (our first try was probably too late in the day) to a hairdresser who doesnt look scary and who has a proven method for getting small children into the chair. It really is about time she got her hair cut, these home jobs just arent cutting it anymore.We will be trying our luck again this Thursday so watch this space.
4. Eden is studying again for four exams which have to be all sat by December. Thankfully he has a brain like a sponge so let's hope he can pull them all off because it will take a lot of pressure off of this family of four on a single income.
5. Ed also has a new calling as the ward welfare specialist. Hopefully this will inspire him to look at and work on our own welfare situation...hopefully. No, it WILL-I have faith!
6. I was asked by my brother (via text message) if I was "preggers" to which I replied "why would I be?" His reply was "because mum said you missed church because you were sick and boboi (Dallin) was sucking on his toe!" You see there is an old wives' tale in Maoridom that says when a baby sucks on his feet then his mother is pregnant. Well judging by what I was sick with, I can 100% guarantee that I was not and am not pregnant.
7. My kids are so close! They are the best of friends. I can tell because they both miss eachother when one is not around. If Asher comes home from my mums or my SIL's she'll ask for Dallin right away. And if I come home with Asher and Dallin spots her coming through the door, he'll let out a big "ah-aaaah!" as if to say "yay, big sister is back! I missed you!" It's such a pleasure to watch them laugh and play together, I hope hope hoooooope it carrys on as they grow older.
1. We had to postpone our mini-holiday which we were supposed to go on after Ed's work trip to Aucks. Sadly one of my younger cousins passed away so we used our holiday money to make the trip to the funeral. A blessing in disguise really. So we started on our 6 hour drive early Saturday morning and came home early Sunday morning so Ed could catch his plane to Auckland from Welly. Asher stayed on with my mother for four days so I spent the most part of that week alone with Dallin. It was a different feeling having only D to take care of, but I enjoyed our time together. When Eden got back, we got these...
2. As at Sept 29th, Dallin's teeth count = 8. He has also found joy in dancing and singing along to music (particularly with Ellen) and has also reduced his early morning feeds from 2 to 1.
(OK so I missed most of his dancing but he did dance a lot more before I pointed the big black distraction of a camera at him, honest!)
Moving along...
3. I took Asher for her first haircut but she refused to get into the chair. Note to self - try taking her in the morning (our first try was probably too late in the day) to a hairdresser who doesnt look scary and who has a proven method for getting small children into the chair. It really is about time she got her hair cut, these home jobs just arent cutting it anymore.We will be trying our luck again this Thursday so watch this space.
4. Eden is studying again for four exams which have to be all sat by December. Thankfully he has a brain like a sponge so let's hope he can pull them all off because it will take a lot of pressure off of this family of four on a single income.
5. Ed also has a new calling as the ward welfare specialist. Hopefully this will inspire him to look at and work on our own welfare situation...hopefully. No, it WILL-I have faith!
6. I was asked by my brother (via text message) if I was "preggers" to which I replied "why would I be?" His reply was "because mum said you missed church because you were sick and boboi (Dallin) was sucking on his toe!" You see there is an old wives' tale in Maoridom that says when a baby sucks on his feet then his mother is pregnant. Well judging by what I was sick with, I can 100% guarantee that I was not and am not pregnant.
7. My kids are so close! They are the best of friends. I can tell because they both miss eachother when one is not around. If Asher comes home from my mums or my SIL's she'll ask for Dallin right away. And if I come home with Asher and Dallin spots her coming through the door, he'll let out a big "ah-aaaah!" as if to say "yay, big sister is back! I missed you!" It's such a pleasure to watch them laugh and play together, I hope hope hoooooope it carrys on as they grow older.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Four legged friends.
My Ash is afraid of animals. In fact, she will run from a tiny sparrow if one flies down to scoop up crumbs in front of her. She has never been too keen on petting animals or getting remotely close to them. She would much rather enjoy them from a distance. So you can imagine my anticipation in seeing how Ash would react to the miniature pony and the alpaca and goat and guinea pigs and three little lambs and chicken and rabbits that visited kindy today.
I'll admit I was a little excited they were coming because a) I love farm animals as they remind me of visiting my grandparents farm when we were little b) who can resist petting a cute little lamb or a funky alpaca?! c) I figure getting up close to animals more often (since we aren't allowed pets at our house) will get her used to them. You'd think.
Notice Asher's careful placing of herself in proximity to the caged lambs (thats her in the pink hoodie).
Just as I expected, Ash kept her distance and looked on while the other children pushed in line to hold the little animals or bottle feed the bigger ones. Oh well, at least she petted Honey the shitzu/bichon, that's about as close as she's ever been to anything on four legs.
Actually, Ash was more or less forced into it. Notice how her arm is held in position. I guess she was fine so long as she wasn't looking at Honey. Oops, she must have looked!
Usually I think pictures of animals are boring, but I took some anyway because they were all little versions of their kind. I mean big alpaca = average in a "sure you can have my attention for a second or two" kinda way, but a little alpaca = very adorable, so adorable that you just want to hug it or talk in baby talk to it!
I'll admit I was a little excited they were coming because a) I love farm animals as they remind me of visiting my grandparents farm when we were little b) who can resist petting a cute little lamb or a funky alpaca?! c) I figure getting up close to animals more often (since we aren't allowed pets at our house) will get her used to them. You'd think.
Notice Asher's careful placing of herself in proximity to the caged lambs (thats her in the pink hoodie).

Saturday, August 15, 2009
Our Mini Holiday
Asher has a few words and phrases she loves to use regularly on a daily basis. These include "I go kindy 'morrow!" and "I go holiday!" and "I love you too!"
We love hearing her put sentences together and watching her as she thinks hard about what she wants to say. Well since she came home from her one week holiday away with my mum, one of her favorite words to use was "holiday." And so I decided, a holiday for us is not such a bad idea. Since Eden has a weeks leave coming up very soon I decided I would search online for somewhere for us to get away to and have a lil vaycay.
The plan is to meet Eden after his week working in Auckland somewhere in the middle of the North Island. So far it's a toss up between Taupo-nui-a-tea a.k.a Taupo and Nga roto o Rotorua or Roto-vegas. I figure these are close enough that it wont cost a mint to get to and far away enough that we'll feel like we've actually left town. Oh the excitement and fun I am having looking for places to stay and deciding on things we can do as a family.
It would be a lot easier if one of these places were less exciting than the other but then I suppose they are both very similar in terms of attraction. Here's what I mean...
Above: Whakarewarewa; Below: Craters of the Moon

. . .
We love hearing her put sentences together and watching her as she thinks hard about what she wants to say. Well since she came home from her one week holiday away with my mum, one of her favorite words to use was "holiday." And so I decided, a holiday for us is not such a bad idea. Since Eden has a weeks leave coming up very soon I decided I would search online for somewhere for us to get away to and have a lil vaycay.
The plan is to meet Eden after his week working in Auckland somewhere in the middle of the North Island. So far it's a toss up between Taupo-nui-a-tea a.k.a Taupo and Nga roto o Rotorua or Roto-vegas. I figure these are close enough that it wont cost a mint to get to and far away enough that we'll feel like we've actually left town. Oh the excitement and fun I am having looking for places to stay and deciding on things we can do as a family.
It would be a lot easier if one of these places were less exciting than the other but then I suppose they are both very similar in terms of attraction. Here's what I mean...
The views are stunning.

. . .
OK so I don't have any photos of people but you get the idea. If our mini holiday happens guaranteed it will feature here as soon as we get home, until then we will have to do with trips to the Hutt Valley where they have excellent playgrounds and lots of hidden picnic areas along the river. At least the Hutt is warm in the spring and we can always stop in at Nanna and Granddads on the way home.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
While you were sleeping...
...we four in the Joseph household were well and truly awake. We decided 2:44 am would be the best time to wake up for once, just to be random. Not.
So I woke up early this morning wondering why my backside was unusually hot. "Oh my goodness, did I wet myself?" was the first thing that popped into my dazed and confused mind. I reached across to our pint sized bed pal and realized it was she that had watered our bed. "Phew!" I thought, relieved I had escaped what could have been an embarrassing situation to explain but gutted that I now had to get up and drag myself into the shower in the wee hours of the morn (I know I know... I HAD to do it).
I reach over the little one and tap my hubby on the head.
"Eden, Ash has wet the bed!"
"I'm getting in the shower, can you bring her to me?"
I think she slept through the shower and didn't wake up til she was dressed in new pj's.
Thankfully our foam underlay saved our super-king slash impossible-to-flip mattress from getting wet. I will admit I delighted in the fact that we would go back to sleep on super fresh linen. There's nothing like slipping into bed after laying down fresh linen, even at 3am.
We were almost all back in bed when Ash decided she wanted to stay up. She put on her best desperate face and in her 2 and 3/4 year old language pleaded we let her watch T.V. Luckily for me, Dallin woke up and needed my attention, so off went daddy and daughter into the lounge never to be seen again til day light.
So now that I've got the bed to myself, and the other two are off making a bed on the couch, I decide to put Dallin in with me. Little did I know another sneaky sleep impediment would find its way onto my path back to dreamland. At 28 years of age, my wisdom teeth are finally deciding to appear. I knew they were there since I had all my biters x-rayed before I went to the Philippines. I thought I was one of the lucky ones who'd escaped the pain I've known wisdom teeth to cause. I kept telling myself that if they haven't come through yet, I doubt they ever will. Obviously I spoke too soon.
Dallin was the only one who got a decent nights sleep. I suppose it's only fair since his teeth (there are 6 all up now) have kept him awake at night for the past 2 months. The funniest thing about our early bird start to the day is that rrrrrrright before I put her to bed last night, I said to Eden, "isn't it cool how we haven't had to put Ash in nappies for bed?" Suuuuure enough right after she went ahead and broke a perfect streak of nil beds wet.
I guess I only have myself to blame. I should have touched wood like a normal person!
So I woke up early this morning wondering why my backside was unusually hot. "Oh my goodness, did I wet myself?" was the first thing that popped into my dazed and confused mind. I reached across to our pint sized bed pal and realized it was she that had watered our bed. "Phew!" I thought, relieved I had escaped what could have been an embarrassing situation to explain but gutted that I now had to get up and drag myself into the shower in the wee hours of the morn (I know I know... I HAD to do it).
I reach over the little one and tap my hubby on the head.
"Eden, Ash has wet the bed!"
"I'm getting in the shower, can you bring her to me?"
I think she slept through the shower and didn't wake up til she was dressed in new pj's.
Thankfully our foam underlay saved our super-king slash impossible-to-flip mattress from getting wet. I will admit I delighted in the fact that we would go back to sleep on super fresh linen. There's nothing like slipping into bed after laying down fresh linen, even at 3am.
We were almost all back in bed when Ash decided she wanted to stay up. She put on her best desperate face and in her 2 and 3/4 year old language pleaded we let her watch T.V. Luckily for me, Dallin woke up and needed my attention, so off went daddy and daughter into the lounge never to be seen again til day light.
So now that I've got the bed to myself, and the other two are off making a bed on the couch, I decide to put Dallin in with me. Little did I know another sneaky sleep impediment would find its way onto my path back to dreamland. At 28 years of age, my wisdom teeth are finally deciding to appear. I knew they were there since I had all my biters x-rayed before I went to the Philippines. I thought I was one of the lucky ones who'd escaped the pain I've known wisdom teeth to cause. I kept telling myself that if they haven't come through yet, I doubt they ever will. Obviously I spoke too soon.
Dallin was the only one who got a decent nights sleep. I suppose it's only fair since his teeth (there are 6 all up now) have kept him awake at night for the past 2 months. The funniest thing about our early bird start to the day is that rrrrrrright before I put her to bed last night, I said to Eden, "isn't it cool how we haven't had to put Ash in nappies for bed?" Suuuuure enough right after she went ahead and broke a perfect streak of nil beds wet.
I guess I only have myself to blame. I should have touched wood like a normal person!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Yesterday and today
I had Monday-itis. I don't even have a day job but still I just didn't feel like doing anything. I'm a full time mother so really my days feel like they're all rolled into one and the only reason I know it's Monday is because the day before I put on my Sunday best and went to church. So yeah, my yesterday was spent doing very little. It was great.
As for today. We got up. We got ready for kindy. We got in the car and off we went.
Dallin and I spent an hour at kindy playing and sitting and pretending to eat food Ash had heated for us in the wooden microwave. It was yum whatever it was. We watched the boys make a train track that stretched across the length of the classroom. It was long. We watched the girls make cupcakes out of playdough. They were glittery. When it was time for morning tea, Dallin and I snuck out the gate and went for a drive.
The afternoon rolled around and I found myself checking the usual places my friends hang out online. I had some great IM catch ups. I love to IM. I love how my social life (offline) improves after an IM chat. Yay.
Tonight I made sushi. Sushi is great, but even though I think it's great it's one of those things that if people ask me if I like it, I wait to see what they say first before saying I do. Then I will know if I have to play it down or not. You see, not everyone likes sushi. I have a fear of being disliked because I like it. That's right, a fear. It's not silly. It's just my attempt at being liked by everyone, despite my liking sushi.
I guess I am a people please-er. I have no idea why. I don't see people making huge efforts to please me. It's relatively easy to please me. Just bring me some chocolate and tell me how lovely I look and I'm happy. Actually chocolate is a tricky one. There is definitely a downside to bringing me chocolate. In fact lets list them:
a) one little block is never enough = me eating more than I should = me feeling guilty for not eating healthy = I feel fat = I want to eat more chocolate because I'm sad = vicious cycle = me spinning out of control = it's all your fault for bringing me chocolate.
b) one little block is never enough and so on and so forth.
c) you get the picture.
OK so I think I've established that chocolate is not a good idea if you want me to be pleased. I do like pineapple though, and mangoes and seedless grapes. Just in case you were stuck for ideas.
Right, now that I'm well and truly on my way to tummy grumble town I suppose I should make like Tom and Cruise or a banana and split or a tree and leave or a bird and fly or a ... oh snap, that's all I've got.
On that note, good afternoon, good evening and good night!
As for today. We got up. We got ready for kindy. We got in the car and off we went.
Dallin and I spent an hour at kindy playing and sitting and pretending to eat food Ash had heated for us in the wooden microwave. It was yum whatever it was. We watched the boys make a train track that stretched across the length of the classroom. It was long. We watched the girls make cupcakes out of playdough. They were glittery. When it was time for morning tea, Dallin and I snuck out the gate and went for a drive.
The afternoon rolled around and I found myself checking the usual places my friends hang out online. I had some great IM catch ups. I love to IM. I love how my social life (offline) improves after an IM chat. Yay.
Tonight I made sushi. Sushi is great, but even though I think it's great it's one of those things that if people ask me if I like it, I wait to see what they say first before saying I do. Then I will know if I have to play it down or not. You see, not everyone likes sushi. I have a fear of being disliked because I like it. That's right, a fear. It's not silly. It's just my attempt at being liked by everyone, despite my liking sushi.
I guess I am a people please-er. I have no idea why. I don't see people making huge efforts to please me. It's relatively easy to please me. Just bring me some chocolate and tell me how lovely I look and I'm happy. Actually chocolate is a tricky one. There is definitely a downside to bringing me chocolate. In fact lets list them:
a) one little block is never enough = me eating more than I should = me feeling guilty for not eating healthy = I feel fat = I want to eat more chocolate because I'm sad = vicious cycle = me spinning out of control = it's all your fault for bringing me chocolate.
b) one little block is never enough and so on and so forth.
c) you get the picture.
OK so I think I've established that chocolate is not a good idea if you want me to be pleased. I do like pineapple though, and mangoes and seedless grapes. Just in case you were stuck for ideas.
Right, now that I'm well and truly on my way to tummy grumble town I suppose I should make like Tom and Cruise or a banana and split or a tree and leave or a bird and fly or a ... oh snap, that's all I've got.
On that note, good afternoon, good evening and good night!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Aue tau kuri e.
Let's try to write in Maori. Key word - try.
He korero tenei e pa ana ki nga mahi o tetahi whaea e noho ana ki te whare ki te awhi ki ana tamariki, ko Asher raua ko Dallin.
I tetahi ra, ka oho a Asher a ka pirangi ia ki te kai i te parakuihi. Ahakoa te tiori o tana tamahine, ka moe tonu a Dallin. A muri i te parakuihi ka haere a Asher ki tana ruma moe ki te tini ki ana kakahu.
OK. That's all I've got. Oh...em...goodness!
Not that I don't have a story to tell, I do. For every word I struggle to find in Maori, a Tagalog replacement comes out. For a few words, I didn't even notice. Frustrating! For example instead of writing patai which means question or to ask a question I wrote hingi which means ask in Tagalog. Hingi isn't even the right ask so even more frustrating!
In conclusion, I am sad that I went from a proficient speaker of te reo to practically useless.
Thanks Maori language week for bringing new meaning of the word effortless to me.
He korero tenei e pa ana ki nga mahi o tetahi whaea e noho ana ki te whare ki te awhi ki ana tamariki, ko Asher raua ko Dallin.
I tetahi ra, ka oho a Asher a ka pirangi ia ki te kai i te parakuihi. Ahakoa te tiori o tana tamahine, ka moe tonu a Dallin. A muri i te parakuihi ka haere a Asher ki tana ruma moe ki te tini ki ana kakahu.
OK. That's all I've got. Oh...em...goodness!
Not that I don't have a story to tell, I do. For every word I struggle to find in Maori, a Tagalog replacement comes out. For a few words, I didn't even notice. Frustrating! For example instead of writing patai which means question or to ask a question I wrote hingi which means ask in Tagalog. Hingi isn't even the right ask so even more frustrating!
In conclusion, I am sad that I went from a proficient speaker of te reo to practically useless.
Thanks Maori language week for bringing new meaning of the word effortless to me.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Ash and I like to play that game where I ask her what sound a certain animal makes and she makes the sound - you know the one...
Me: What sound does a doggy make?
Ash: Woof woof!
Me: Yes! Good girl!
What sound does a sheep make?
Ash: Baaaa!
Me: Yes!
What about a cow
Ash: Mooooo!
Me: Yay! Good girl!
And what sound does a bird make?
Ash: Fly fly!
Me: Huh?? (and then I click - "flying" is the sound they make - DUH!)
Me: What sound does a doggy make?
Ash: Woof woof!
Me: Yes! Good girl!
What sound does a sheep make?
Ash: Baaaa!
Me: Yes!
What about a cow
Ash: Mooooo!
Me: Yay! Good girl!
And what sound does a bird make?
Ash: Fly fly!
Me: Huh?? (and then I click - "flying" is the sound they make - DUH!)
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Two Front Teeth, Frilly Dresses, Days off Work and Birthday Money
Dallins two front teeth have popped up over the past week or so. I felt for the poor boy since its bad enough coping with getting one let alone two. Atleast noone can say I havnt suffered along with him since sometimes he thinks its a good idea to have a good hard bite while Im breastfeeding him. Ouchies for sure! I used to moan when his gums would get a good grip, now add two little rough edged teeth to it and you've got one screaming mum and a cheeky smiley faced monkey, hahaha. Im sure he knows that biting me hurts because as soon as I dig my finger in there to break free, he's got a huge smile on his face, nnnnnaughty boy! And ontop of his teeth he's got the flu, double boo. The upside is that he doesnt grizzle his way through the whole thing, that would be stinkies.
As for miss Ash bash, she's another one with the flu. She doesnt like wearing layers of clothes as it is so its been a struggle trying to keep her warm. Yes our Ash likes summer dresses she can twirl around in, a real girly girl. Of course I'm the one who gets into trouble whenever my own mother comes around and catches her parading around in a frilly dress like a fairy princess, as if I havnt tried all morning to keep her snuggled up in winter woolies. Kids will be kids, they dont feel the cold and just want to play and have fun.
Of course my dear husband didnt want to miss out on the indoor fun so he went ahead and got himself the flu so he could spend some time at home. I appreciate that our sniffles and sneezes have given us the chance be at home together to hug the fire and sit around like old people in a retirement home (minus the tapioca pud and bingo hahaha).
All this being stuck at home has given me time to think of what I might spend my bday riches on. Clothes? Perhaps. A new and decent haircut? Its about time for another one, but we'll see how I feel. At the risk of sounding desperately housewife-ish, something new for the kitchen???? Dont need to (thanks bro for the slow cooker). I know, something edible for the kids in my Sunday school class? Nah. Its funny coz I know I've spent time thinking of what I would buy if I had money to spare, and now I havnt a clue. I'll probably spend it on the kids. I always feel better when I've added to their wardrobes things they can grow in to. Yes. Thats what it will go towards, if we ever make it outta here alive!!! Da-dummmmmmmmm!
As for miss Ash bash, she's another one with the flu. She doesnt like wearing layers of clothes as it is so its been a struggle trying to keep her warm. Yes our Ash likes summer dresses she can twirl around in, a real girly girl. Of course I'm the one who gets into trouble whenever my own mother comes around and catches her parading around in a frilly dress like a fairy princess, as if I havnt tried all morning to keep her snuggled up in winter woolies. Kids will be kids, they dont feel the cold and just want to play and have fun.
Of course my dear husband didnt want to miss out on the indoor fun so he went ahead and got himself the flu so he could spend some time at home. I appreciate that our sniffles and sneezes have given us the chance be at home together to hug the fire and sit around like old people in a retirement home (minus the tapioca pud and bingo hahaha).
All this being stuck at home has given me time to think of what I might spend my bday riches on. Clothes? Perhaps. A new and decent haircut? Its about time for another one, but we'll see how I feel. At the risk of sounding desperately housewife-ish, something new for the kitchen???? Dont need to (thanks bro for the slow cooker). I know, something edible for the kids in my Sunday school class? Nah. Its funny coz I know I've spent time thinking of what I would buy if I had money to spare, and now I havnt a clue. I'll probably spend it on the kids. I always feel better when I've added to their wardrobes things they can grow in to. Yes. Thats what it will go towards, if we ever make it outta here alive!!! Da-dummmmmmmmm!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
sicky 28th birthday
Today I turned 28. I have a sore throat and a bit of a headache, pretty stink. It was cooooldies all day and I was not feeling it at all. But I couldnt go to bed without bloggin a little sumthin about my "happy birthday" as Ash puts it. I suppose if I wasnt so sicky sick, I would have enjoyed the gifts I was given by my favorite people. Thankfully, I didnt have to get outta my jim jams til I was ready to go out and run errands as my wonderful friend came and dropped off a gift for me and offered to take my girl to kindy, allowing my son and I to go back to bed and keep warm for an extra hour. Bliss!
Took my gran out so she could get stuff done and came back to my mums to sprawl out infront of the awesome fireplace. Right when I was about to doze off, I had to go back out into the cold to go get my husband from the train station, brrrrrr! We go get dinner for the whanau, then I find my spot again by the fire. Yuss! Since our whole little family is coughy and headachy, we decided to camp at mums since it was already warm. SO here I am. In bed, next to the fire, my son and I. Waaaaarmies!
And now Im tired. Sleep time for me.
Took my gran out so she could get stuff done and came back to my mums to sprawl out infront of the awesome fireplace. Right when I was about to doze off, I had to go back out into the cold to go get my husband from the train station, brrrrrr! We go get dinner for the whanau, then I find my spot again by the fire. Yuss! Since our whole little family is coughy and headachy, we decided to camp at mums since it was already warm. SO here I am. In bed, next to the fire, my son and I. Waaaaarmies!
And now Im tired. Sleep time for me.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
She's off tomorrow!
By "she" I mean my little girl. By "off" I mean going somewhere important and special. By "tomorrow" I mean, well you should know what I mean. SO where is my little girl going tomorrow? To kindy. That's right, my little girl is growing up. And what a bitter sweet feeling it is to say the least.
Tonight marks my last night as a mother of two little ones who stay at home, with me, at home, during the day. Tomorrow I become the mother of two little ones, one of which is a big kindy girl, the other - the one Im no doubt going to smother until its his turn to do the same. Sigh and sob and laugh and cry all in the same breath.
So from tomorrow, I'll be packing a little school bag with an extra change of clothes every day of the week. I'll be sending her off with a little lunch box and a little drink bottle and other little things on the kindy essentials list.
I guess I never thought this day would come. I suppose spending all this time with Ash and her not having too many commitments during the day was just so much fun that I figured we would just keep it that way. I have enjoyed our time playing and doing mother daughter things, so much so that I know I will miss it a lot.
Ash has taught me a lot, mostly how to have fun and laugh and enjoy the little things in life. But kids grow up and need to branch out, its only fair that I let her spread her little wings so she can learn to fly on her own. Sigh and sob again.
Tonight marks my last night as a mother of two little ones who stay at home, with me, at home, during the day. Tomorrow I become the mother of two little ones, one of which is a big kindy girl, the other - the one Im no doubt going to smother until its his turn to do the same. Sigh and sob and laugh and cry all in the same breath.
So from tomorrow, I'll be packing a little school bag with an extra change of clothes every day of the week. I'll be sending her off with a little lunch box and a little drink bottle and other little things on the kindy essentials list.
I guess I never thought this day would come. I suppose spending all this time with Ash and her not having too many commitments during the day was just so much fun that I figured we would just keep it that way. I have enjoyed our time playing and doing mother daughter things, so much so that I know I will miss it a lot.
Ash has taught me a lot, mostly how to have fun and laugh and enjoy the little things in life. But kids grow up and need to branch out, its only fair that I let her spread her little wings so she can learn to fly on her own. Sigh and sob again.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Lehi's Journey

I started out wanting one for myself then found myself on-selling for the illustrator (an acquaintance of mine) and have consequently sold 6 out of 9 in one day. Not a bad effort...although, the book really does sell itself.
Good stuff!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Bop to the top!
NO not HSM, but Baby Boppers. Our girl has started dancing at our local dance school, in the Baby Boppers class. Its a school that allows toddlers to discover their inner Anna Pavlova slash Janet Jackson through hip hop, jazz, tap and ballet. The best thing about it is that students can carry on with private tutoring as they get older or continue on in the school, so if bubbi likes it she can keep doing it as long as she wants.
We went along today with our friend who told us about it, and as we enter the room our three kids decide its the perfect time to start crying and screaming, so instead of "hey everyone" I manage a "sorry about this guys" with a please forgive us look on my face, to which the kind strangers agree its totally fine, kids are kids.
When the class began Ash stood back casually just to suss everything out. She sized up the other little tutu wearing dancers and watched the teacher flutter around the hall like an over-sized Tinkerbell before she felt comfortable enough to let go of my hand. On the outside she seemed shy but on the inside I knew there were plenty of wriggles dying to break free. So cute.
When she built up enough courage, she let go of my hand and skipped around a bit until she realized she was out on the floor on her own, then quickly found her place again at my side. I gave her a little nudge to get back out there, but she wasn't having it unless I went. So out I go, me and another mum, and we agreed it could end up being a good work out for the both of us. I haven't swung my hips like that in the longest time, hahaha.
I suppose I'm glad there are a lot of things on offer for the little ones to get into before they start doing big kid stuff like going to kindy and such. I hope the dancing thing is something Ash will want to keep doing, but if not I'm sure we will find something else to do. For now though, we'll try out the dancing thing and see how that goes.
We went along today with our friend who told us about it, and as we enter the room our three kids decide its the perfect time to start crying and screaming, so instead of "hey everyone" I manage a "sorry about this guys" with a please forgive us look on my face, to which the kind strangers agree its totally fine, kids are kids.
When the class began Ash stood back casually just to suss everything out. She sized up the other little tutu wearing dancers and watched the teacher flutter around the hall like an over-sized Tinkerbell before she felt comfortable enough to let go of my hand. On the outside she seemed shy but on the inside I knew there were plenty of wriggles dying to break free. So cute.
When she built up enough courage, she let go of my hand and skipped around a bit until she realized she was out on the floor on her own, then quickly found her place again at my side. I gave her a little nudge to get back out there, but she wasn't having it unless I went. So out I go, me and another mum, and we agreed it could end up being a good work out for the both of us. I haven't swung my hips like that in the longest time, hahaha.
I suppose I'm glad there are a lot of things on offer for the little ones to get into before they start doing big kid stuff like going to kindy and such. I hope the dancing thing is something Ash will want to keep doing, but if not I'm sure we will find something else to do. For now though, we'll try out the dancing thing and see how that goes.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
te first post from te email
this is me emailing a post...look out people, more ways to post means more posts to read which means less time doing important-er stuff which means things dont always get done until finished which means upside down house which means living in an upside down house which means oh no better go e i e i oooooo.
Kylie Joseph
Download the new Windows Live Looking for a place to manage all your online stuff?
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
random acts of randomness
drove to town, upside down, in the car, oh so far, think of me, think of you, taking our kids, to the zoo, pineapple lumps and tummy bumps, hot cross buns just for funs, take me to another place, dotting glitter on my face, miley cyrus or hannah montana? scarf on your head or a pretty bandana? swimming in the ocean, spilling love potion, surfing on the internet, book a flight on a pretty blue jet, catching little butterflies, watching clouds up in the sky, people eat people play people say what they say, peeps are good peeps are bad, peeps give you what you never had, lookin up lookin out, thats what its all about, happy hands happy feet, moving to a funky beat, apples oranges peaches pears, getting older through the years, wrinkly skin, wrinkly face, wrinkles wrinkes all over the place, time goes fast when it dont go slow, primo says just go with the flow, i am here you are there, i can see your under---thats not very nice, put it on ice, can i have a cup of rice with my chicken adobo, im not a hobo, im a lady on a bike and i like to ride solo, dont hit me, kick me or spin me around, i'll put my hand bag on the ground, chase you to the top of a tree, and make you say im sorry to me, please dont leave, there you go, c'mon people, its on with the show,tapos na, haere ra, lets go riding in my car car!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Apple picking time
We found this cute little orchard just out of town today.
Asher and Granny got a bucket and wandered through the trees.
Asher loves picking apples,
putting them in the bucket,
and keeping one for herself.
I strolled around and found these in a cute little local produce barn.
Even Dallin had fun.
The end.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
A couple weeks ago while at Dallin's 3 month Plunket visit, I was changing him on the table where they measure and check over the bubs. Hanging over the table was the cutest little mobile with little wooden butterflies with smiley little faces. I didn't even notice it was there. But I did notice how calm Dallin was as I changed him. His eyes were fixed on something in the air so much so that it put a smile on his face. When I looked up, there was this mobile. I never bothered with mobiles for the kids because I didnt think Id have my kids lying down all the time while they were awake. I will never forget the look on his face, how intently he watched this simple contraption, just like that he changed my mind.
So since then I kept an eye out for a mobile for his crib. I spotted this cute one on Trademe that started at a bargain $5 with no reserve. So I watched it til the day the auction was to close and with no bids on it, I went for it. Up to the last ten minutes, I was in the lead when some freak user upped the bidding by a laughable 50 cents! I was like "oh no you dont!" and so I upped their bid buy the same amount. "Take that you mobile stealer! No one moves in on MY sons toys." Haha. OK so maybe I'm dramatizing it, I couldn't help it. Anyways, I won and was very delighted.
The next day, I went from being very delighted to very VERY delighted when I came across the exact same mobile in the Baby Factory. I had to check the price of it to see how much I saved from buying it second hand. Want to know how much? $44 is how much, very very delighted indeed. Besides the thrill of bagging a bargain, the fact that Dallin absolutely LOVES it, is really the icing on the cake. Here is the mobile that puts a smile on my sons face...

So since then I kept an eye out for a mobile for his crib. I spotted this cute one on Trademe that started at a bargain $5 with no reserve. So I watched it til the day the auction was to close and with no bids on it, I went for it. Up to the last ten minutes, I was in the lead when some freak user upped the bidding by a laughable 50 cents! I was like "oh no you dont!" and so I upped their bid buy the same amount. "Take that you mobile stealer! No one moves in on MY sons toys." Haha. OK so maybe I'm dramatizing it, I couldn't help it. Anyways, I won and was very delighted.
The next day, I went from being very delighted to very VERY delighted when I came across the exact same mobile in the Baby Factory. I had to check the price of it to see how much I saved from buying it second hand. Want to know how much? $44 is how much, very very delighted indeed. Besides the thrill of bagging a bargain, the fact that Dallin absolutely LOVES it, is really the icing on the cake. Here is the mobile that puts a smile on my sons face...

Mobile from Trademe: $6.00
Mobile in the Baby Factory: $50.00
The smile on Dallin's face as he enjoys his new mobile: priceless
Mobile in the Baby Factory: $50.00
The smile on Dallin's face as he enjoys his new mobile: priceless
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Have I seen Slumdog Millionaire?
Yes I have.
I quite enjoyed it.
Even if most Indian critics didnt.
I liked the music.
And I admit, I didnt know A. R. Rahman was as accomplished as he is.
I loved the little kids.
I didnt cry once.
But I was captured.
I love how they switched from Hindi to English.
Even if some people didnt.
I love how it didnt follow the book exactly.
I didnt like when the boys eyes met with a spoon.
I love how the slums reminded me of the Philippines.
I was almost convinced it was filmed in Manila.
Clearly it wasnt.
Some people say its not "Indian" enough.
Whats more "Indian" than two people falling in love?
I quite enjoyed it.
Even if most Indian critics didnt.
I liked the music.
And I admit, I didnt know A. R. Rahman was as accomplished as he is.
I loved the little kids.
I didnt cry once.
But I was captured.
I love how they switched from Hindi to English.
Even if some people didnt.
I love how it didnt follow the book exactly.
I didnt like when the boys eyes met with a spoon.
I love how the slums reminded me of the Philippines.
I was almost convinced it was filmed in Manila.
Clearly it wasnt.
Some people say its not "Indian" enough.
Whats more "Indian" than two people falling in love?
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
I go bonkers when...
-A popular song gets stuck in my head
-People exceed the speed limit and don't indicate when making turns or merging
-I get home hoping to have something I "think" is in the cupboard only to find out its not there
-The cricket is on
-Our rubbish bin doesnt make it out in time
-The laundry pile gets bigger because the forecast says its going to rain and then it doesnt!
-I think Ive done all the laundry only to find a secret stash of clothes in the spare room that needs washing
-The book I want costs more than I'm willing to pay for it
-Its a nice day, we're at the beach and we don't have anything to swim in
And that about sums up the past few days for me.
Completely bonkers!
-People exceed the speed limit and don't indicate when making turns or merging
-I get home hoping to have something I "think" is in the cupboard only to find out its not there
-The cricket is on
-Our rubbish bin doesnt make it out in time
-The laundry pile gets bigger because the forecast says its going to rain and then it doesnt!
-I think Ive done all the laundry only to find a secret stash of clothes in the spare room that needs washing
-The book I want costs more than I'm willing to pay for it
-Its a nice day, we're at the beach and we don't have anything to swim in
And that about sums up the past few days for me.
Completely bonkers!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Good Picks
Our weekend was colder and wetter outside than usual. So having the house to ourselves we decided dvds would be our main activity for Friday night and Saturday. This time we did a grab and run, meaning grab a vid and run with it - no finding out what the story is about, just check the rating and off you go. Here's what we ended up with...
When you think about it, a man who relies on a blow up doll to work through his personal issues doesn't exactly scream "Mormons, watch this!" Lucky I didn't read the synopsis for this one or I would have put it back on the shelf and missed out on a good movie. This one could have gone in a very different - very wrong direction, but it didn't. It could have been OTT, but it wasn't. It was actually quite good. So what did Lars and the Real Girl have going for it? Well the story was different, it had a great cast and the small town setting provided the perfect backdrop for this tight knit community of caring souls. It showed that life there was simple and made telling and understanding Lars' unique story a lot easier. Ryan Gosling wasn't too bad either. Overall, I lllllllliked it!

I am a sucker for NZ made films, well the gentle ones at least. Second-Hand Wedding gets a nod from me just for being filmed on the Kapiti Coast, especially since there are so many other coastally coastal coasty towns they could have picked, I mean NZ is basically a coaster with sheep in the middle. Granted its quite a modest little flick (and it shows) but it makes it's point and there's no racking the brain in trying to make sense of the plot. Mostly I liked it because I'm a bargain hunter myself and I love the assurance I get that Im not the only one who's fanatical about rummaging through other peoples junk, even if it is just a movie.

Lastly, College Road Trip. I knew that Donny Osmond was in this one and I really only grabbed it to see if I could understand my mothers obsession with him a bit better. After seeing it, I still had no idea. I mean he's a little funny but that was about it. Needless to say it was another clean Disney movie that did get a few laughs here and there, but nothing to write home about. I usually steer clear of Raven-Symone simply because the older and more aware of herself she gets, the more she irks me. She was way more tolerable as a child star, now shes just older and more annoying. I guess it could have been worse, so over all, it was OK.
There were a couple others we rented, but they were so lame I'm not even going to bother posting their flyers. Sorry Anacondas 3 and Babylon AD, you don't get a show in this post because you were both too lame for words.
The End.

I am a sucker for NZ made films, well the gentle ones at least. Second-Hand Wedding gets a nod from me just for being filmed on the Kapiti Coast, especially since there are so many other coastally coastal coasty towns they could have picked, I mean NZ is basically a coaster with sheep in the middle. Granted its quite a modest little flick (and it shows) but it makes it's point and there's no racking the brain in trying to make sense of the plot. Mostly I liked it because I'm a bargain hunter myself and I love the assurance I get that Im not the only one who's fanatical about rummaging through other peoples junk, even if it is just a movie.

Lastly, College Road Trip. I knew that Donny Osmond was in this one and I really only grabbed it to see if I could understand my mothers obsession with him a bit better. After seeing it, I still had no idea. I mean he's a little funny but that was about it. Needless to say it was another clean Disney movie that did get a few laughs here and there, but nothing to write home about. I usually steer clear of Raven-Symone simply because the older and more aware of herself she gets, the more she irks me. She was way more tolerable as a child star, now shes just older and more annoying. I guess it could have been worse, so over all, it was OK.
There were a couple others we rented, but they were so lame I'm not even going to bother posting their flyers. Sorry Anacondas 3 and Babylon AD, you don't get a show in this post because you were both too lame for words.
The End.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Eaten by the Balrog!
So I just took this cool LoTR quiz to see how well I knew the story and it turns out I need to polish up on my knowledge of the Hobbit a LOT (although in all fairness it has been aaaages since I read it) and a bit, OK quite a big bit, on the other three.
I guess I just felt like re-visiting the journey of the fellowship by way of butchering a quiz, good at that I am.
Crikey, if I were a part of the fellowship, I would have barely made it out of Bree (d'oh!) as I only made it to the 2nd level. Very disappointing!
To try your luck see LoTR Quiz. Good luck little Hobbit!
I guess I just felt like re-visiting the journey of the fellowship by way of butchering a quiz, good at that I am.
Crikey, if I were a part of the fellowship, I would have barely made it out of Bree (d'oh!) as I only made it to the 2nd level. Very disappointing!
To try your luck see LoTR Quiz. Good luck little Hobbit!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Ten Reasons...
...why today was sooooo good:
1. It's Sunday! (no brainer)
2. We were on time for sacrament meeting, something I'm so happy about since we made a resolution be on time every week. It's been three months since we made that goal and so far we're doing great!
3. Our Nursery leaders did a great job today! Asher stayed for the whole duration and enjoyed herself without Ed or I having to hold her hand. Not that she usually needs us close by, but today was especially handy that she felt like being independent, (see points 4-5.)
4. The lesson I had to teach in Relief Society went better than I expected. It's so great to be among sisters who willingly participate (I had them role playing, what a laugh.) It not only makes for a great learning environment but it also helps calm my nerves...a lot!
5. Eden took great care of Dallin, our nearly three month old (exclusively breast-fed) son, while I taught our class. Huge relief.
6. Eden and I had such a fun conversation about how my lesson went. He laughed as I shared with him how some of the sisters acted out their parts. I love that he thought it was as funny as I thought it was even though he had to imagine the whole thing.
7. We got to have an afternoon nap!
8. We had dinner with my in-laws. The best part about it (other than the fact they are great dinner companions) was that the food my sister-in-law prepared was sooo good, not to mention the fact that SHE had prepared it, not me. Food tastes better when its made by someone else.
9. My Ash got to spend time with her cousins. I love that she has 5 cousins to play with when we go to their house for dinner. For the meantime at least, it beats not being allowed to poke her brother in the face which is her idea of playing with him.
10.We had chocolate ice-cream after the lovely dinner.Yesss.
1. It's Sunday! (no brainer)
2. We were on time for sacrament meeting, something I'm so happy about since we made a resolution be on time every week. It's been three months since we made that goal and so far we're doing great!
3. Our Nursery leaders did a great job today! Asher stayed for the whole duration and enjoyed herself without Ed or I having to hold her hand. Not that she usually needs us close by, but today was especially handy that she felt like being independent, (see points 4-5.)
4. The lesson I had to teach in Relief Society went better than I expected. It's so great to be among sisters who willingly participate (I had them role playing, what a laugh.) It not only makes for a great learning environment but it also helps calm my nerves...a lot!
5. Eden took great care of Dallin, our nearly three month old (exclusively breast-fed) son, while I taught our class. Huge relief.
6. Eden and I had such a fun conversation about how my lesson went. He laughed as I shared with him how some of the sisters acted out their parts. I love that he thought it was as funny as I thought it was even though he had to imagine the whole thing.
7. We got to have an afternoon nap!
8. We had dinner with my in-laws. The best part about it (other than the fact they are great dinner companions) was that the food my sister-in-law prepared was sooo good, not to mention the fact that SHE had prepared it, not me. Food tastes better when its made by someone else.
9. My Ash got to spend time with her cousins. I love that she has 5 cousins to play with when we go to their house for dinner. For the meantime at least, it beats not being allowed to poke her brother in the face which is her idea of playing with him.
10.We had chocolate ice-cream after the lovely dinner.Yesss.
Monday, March 2, 2009
New Sounds.
New sounds can be heard in our house at the moment, Dallin has found his speaking voice, and its soooo wonderful to listen to!
I have been waiting for him to start babbling and I have to say the almost 12 week wait has been well worth it!
Of course he's made plenty of noise up to now, but it was all to do with letting us know what he wanted. Now he's just making noise to talk and it melts my heart completely.
I have been waiting for him to start babbling and I have to say the almost 12 week wait has been well worth it!
Of course he's made plenty of noise up to now, but it was all to do with letting us know what he wanted. Now he's just making noise to talk and it melts my heart completely.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Caught in the Cupboard
As nan and I sat at lunch today, we noticed it was a little too quiet for our liking. We wondered where little Miss A. had gotten to, and what it was she was doing. I had a peep over the chair in the lounge, and there on the other side was the little miss, exploring all sorts of wondrous knick knacks she had discovered in the craft cupboard in the conservatory.
I tip-toed to the other-side of the kitchen, camera in hand, to get a better view. Placing my camera on the ground being careful to stay hidden around the corner, I began clicking away. These photos would serve as evidence of her shananigans if I was going to expose her to my mother when she got home from work, it was after all her craft cupboard.
Notice below Miss A. has no idea that she is under surveillance. Quietly her fingers explore the contents of a yellow plastic container.


She looks up and cant see me hiding around the corner.
"Asher!" I yell again, making sure to keep hidden, "what are you touching?"

"I can seeeee you!" I announced from behind the door as she realizes I'm closer than she thought.
Not knowing where to direct her frustration, she yells out "NO!" which translates into "don't come over here or you'll see what I've discovered and take it away from me."

Before long, she discovers my hiding place. I get up to check the sharp pointy objects haven't been found. We struggle for a minute to put things away, but we get there in the end.
Unfortunately, the battery life in my camera did not endure long enough to capture more of Asher's antics. It was fun to watch her experiment with buttons and pens and paper and ribbon. Who knows what she'll find tomorrow, I guess we'll find out as soon as we realize, its a little too quiet for our liking.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
fun, time and sleeping kids.
Ever wanted to know what I do at night when I'm sure that both the kids are sound asleep and not going to get up for whatever reason? I knew you did, so here I am, letting you all in on my little world when the kids doze off to sleep.
First, I read a little of one of the books I'm currently reading.
Then I open a letter book my besty and I have been keeping since November 2004. I think about what to write in it, then I close it after only having read the last entry for the hundredth time and not having added to it.
Then I'll wander off down the hall to see how Eden is (because he's on his laptop doing some work.) More often than not, (like if he's stressed because he cant fix a problem) he's fine.
I go to the fridge to find something (I dont even need) to fill the tiny (its that small you can even tell its there) gap in my tummy.
Success! Instant pudding! (dont knock it til you try it, its actually not that bad.) Spoon, bowl, choo choo train into mouth. Walk away happy.
Then I'll see if the little green light on the computer is flashing telling me it's still on. If it is, I'll pull the chair out, sit down, turn on the screen and proceed to open the following pages;
1. Hotmail
3. Whatever else my inbox tells me to open
4. Blogger
If the lights arent flashing, I'll go past the computer back to my room, pray, get into bed, then sleep.
Can you tell if the lights were flashing tonight or not?
Yes, they were flashing.
So here we are. Blogging. About every thing that has to do with nothing.
I might have a browse at what other bloggers have to say. That could be fun. But only if they have the same interests as me. Being a Mormon. Cultures. Photography. PHOTOGRAPHY!
I like it when people say they like photography. Im going to be a photographer one day. Even a commercial one. People who write photography in their interests fields, usually post photos they've taken up in their blogs. I usually have a sneaky look. That can be fun.
When I think of what I considered to be fun before the kids came along...I think, chatting away to Eden while driving around aimlessly late at night, all over town til we feel tired and want to go home. I think chocolate mud pie thingy from BK at 2am in the morning with the girls. I think road tripping to Hamilton with friends...that was back in the ra's.
Now, fun is tickling Asher and hearing her laugh like crazy. Its making houses out of giant lego pieces and picking "fa-le-wa's" (flowers) outside in the garden. Its coloring outside the lines in a Dora the explorer coloring in book. Its talking to Dallin and watching him pull his funny facials, and watching him respond to Asher when she talks to him.
It's nice to have alone time when the kids are snoozing, but I cant help it, Im either online talking about them, or looking at Asher's baby photos or putting away their clothes or something to do with them. So even my alone time's not MY time, its my "time to think about them" time. But it's cool. They're my kids and I love em!
Speaking of loving my kids, its definitely sleep time for me, so that in the morning, I can take care of them the way all good loving parents do. The alternative is for them to feed and tend to themselves while I sleep in which Im sure for them will NOT be fun...Kylie, out!
First, I read a little of one of the books I'm currently reading.
Then I open a letter book my besty and I have been keeping since November 2004. I think about what to write in it, then I close it after only having read the last entry for the hundredth time and not having added to it.
Then I'll wander off down the hall to see how Eden is (because he's on his laptop doing some work.) More often than not, (like if he's stressed because he cant fix a problem) he's fine.
I go to the fridge to find something (I dont even need) to fill the tiny (its that small you can even tell its there) gap in my tummy.
Success! Instant pudding! (dont knock it til you try it, its actually not that bad.) Spoon, bowl, choo choo train into mouth. Walk away happy.
Then I'll see if the little green light on the computer is flashing telling me it's still on. If it is, I'll pull the chair out, sit down, turn on the screen and proceed to open the following pages;
1. Hotmail
3. Whatever else my inbox tells me to open
4. Blogger
If the lights arent flashing, I'll go past the computer back to my room, pray, get into bed, then sleep.
Can you tell if the lights were flashing tonight or not?
Yes, they were flashing.
So here we are. Blogging. About every thing that has to do with nothing.
I might have a browse at what other bloggers have to say. That could be fun. But only if they have the same interests as me. Being a Mormon. Cultures. Photography. PHOTOGRAPHY!
I like it when people say they like photography. Im going to be a photographer one day. Even a commercial one. People who write photography in their interests fields, usually post photos they've taken up in their blogs. I usually have a sneaky look. That can be fun.
When I think of what I considered to be fun before the kids came along...I think, chatting away to Eden while driving around aimlessly late at night, all over town til we feel tired and want to go home. I think chocolate mud pie thingy from BK at 2am in the morning with the girls. I think road tripping to Hamilton with friends...that was back in the ra's.
Now, fun is tickling Asher and hearing her laugh like crazy. Its making houses out of giant lego pieces and picking "fa-le-wa's" (flowers) outside in the garden. Its coloring outside the lines in a Dora the explorer coloring in book. Its talking to Dallin and watching him pull his funny facials, and watching him respond to Asher when she talks to him.
It's nice to have alone time when the kids are snoozing, but I cant help it, Im either online talking about them, or looking at Asher's baby photos or putting away their clothes or something to do with them. So even my alone time's not MY time, its my "time to think about them" time. But it's cool. They're my kids and I love em!
Speaking of loving my kids, its definitely sleep time for me, so that in the morning, I can take care of them the way all good loving parents do. The alternative is for them to feed and tend to themselves while I sleep in which Im sure for them will NOT be fun...Kylie, out!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Pipi Hunting
Every year for the past four years or so, our family has been going to Peka Peka to hunt for pipi. In the first year about 14 of us made the trip, just family from all over that had gathered for Christmas, it was the funnest! Sadly, just under half of that made it this year.
We left the trip a little late in the season. We were reminded of our family members who have since jumped the ditch or are up north living their lives as normal. Still we tried to have fun as it was Asher's first trip where she could go in the water and have a splash around. So glad her uncle Rick was there to keep her head above water. They had an absolute blast!
At this point, we'd been at the beach for about an hour, we'd eaten our "sandy-wiches" (lots of sand filled eats) and made our way into the water (well all except myself, the designated photographer.)
Total pipi count 1 hour into trip = 0.
I think he had fun too. Mum even turned to me and quietly mentioned how he'll make such a good father. I totally agreed.
After a little time splashing in the waves, Ash decided it was time for a walk with mum and nan.
Total pipi count 1 1/2 hours into trip = still 0.
Unfortunately, work commitments held Eden back at home but thankfully my bestest mate Ree was able to come along and join in the fun. Here, Rick and Ree are trying out their best poses for this months cover of Sports Illustrated, Peka Peka style.
Total pipi count 1 3/4 hours into trip = an uninspiring 0.

Finally, I decide to dig my heels in and go find the little shell covered morsels we had traveled so far to find. I think the most we found collectively was like 3 pipi, a whole bunch of empty shells (as you do when you're at the beach) and a handful of those cockle things which even though we dont eat them, we still collected to make the stash look like more than it really was.

Our tiny bucket looked sad this year. Not only was our pipi hunting troop down in numbers but the pipi beds were completely covered by the high tide we failed to anticipate (helpful tip #1, check the tides before you go on pipi hunting expeditions.)
This years trip was so different from the others. We missed our family, our picnic got blasted by a sandstorm, our pipi hunting went out the window, and the approaching high tide about chased us off the beach. Our car got stuck in the sand thanks to my not heeding warnings given by Ree to move the car (helpful tip #2 when the water starts to move up the beach, it means the tide is coming IN and you NEED to move your car FAST!)
Actually, if I'm honest, each trip we make to Peka Peka is unique. We create memories every time, whether it be that one time we ate garlic prawns cooked on the camp stove or that Eden lost his wedding band in the big blue unforgiving ocean, or that Asher splashed around in her uncles arms. Each time is different but we'll probably keep making our way to this beach to keep what has turned into a tradition, going.
Total pipi count at end of hunt = 3 (but I already mentioned that)
We left the trip a little late in the season. We were reminded of our family members who have since jumped the ditch or are up north living their lives as normal. Still we tried to have fun as it was Asher's first trip where she could go in the water and have a splash around. So glad her uncle Rick was there to keep her head above water. They had an absolute blast!
At this point, we'd been at the beach for about an hour, we'd eaten our "sandy-wiches" (lots of sand filled eats) and made our way into the water (well all except myself, the designated photographer.)
Total pipi count 1 hour into trip = 0.

Total pipi count 1 1/2 hours into trip = still 0.

Total pipi count 1 3/4 hours into trip = an uninspiring 0.

Finally, I decide to dig my heels in and go find the little shell covered morsels we had traveled so far to find. I think the most we found collectively was like 3 pipi, a whole bunch of empty shells (as you do when you're at the beach) and a handful of those cockle things which even though we dont eat them, we still collected to make the stash look like more than it really was.

Our tiny bucket looked sad this year. Not only was our pipi hunting troop down in numbers but the pipi beds were completely covered by the high tide we failed to anticipate (helpful tip #1, check the tides before you go on pipi hunting expeditions.)

Actually, if I'm honest, each trip we make to Peka Peka is unique. We create memories every time, whether it be that one time we ate garlic prawns cooked on the camp stove or that Eden lost his wedding band in the big blue unforgiving ocean, or that Asher splashed around in her uncles arms. Each time is different but we'll probably keep making our way to this beach to keep what has turned into a tradition, going.
Total pipi count at end of hunt = 3 (but I already mentioned that)
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