Tuesday, January 27, 2009

the goodness

The goodness is when something really good, like warm fuzzy good, happens to you. Like when you get up in the morning and the dishes you left in the sink the night before have been done. Or when you manage to get both the kids down for a nap at the same time or you get snail mail from a friend. No one writes anymore, its just quicker to email! But yes, I love the goodness.

Today was filled with goodness. I woke up this morning, and not only were the dishes done but the lounge was tidy. Its NEVER tidy when we go to bed, cleaning up at the end of the night is usually the last thing we feel like doing so it becomes a first thing in the morning job. All before 9am, that's two pieces of goodness.

A friend from ages ago came over today with her two kids, around the same ages as mine. We laughed the entire visit at the silliest things, mainly at how our lunch kept getting interrupted because we had to rescue one of our kids from a punch in the face or their hair being pulled. I suppose we were silly to think we could have a proper meal while the kids were bouncing off the walls. After a while we just gave up lunch and joined in the fun. More goodness!

After they left, I got a call from Eden. I love it when he calls, its never about anything important other than to see what I'm doing. It's nice to know he thinks of us while hes at work. Even MORE goodness.

It's all about the goodness and Eden isn't even home from work yet. Next on the agenda, create something delish for dinner to keep the cycle of goodness going...

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